Monday, 30 April 2012

I am Not the Same (Personal Addition 3 )

I am Not The Same

Verse 1:
You restore the wasted years
You build the broken walls
Your love replaces fear
Your mercy makes us whole
Pre 1:
Adopted, healed, & lifted
I am not the same I'm a new creation
I am not the same anymore
I am not ashamed I will not be shaken
I am not the same anymore
Verse 2:
I bow before Your cross
This broken life made new
Amazed at all You are
And who I am in You
Pre 2:
Adopted, healed, & lifted
Forgiven, found, & rescued
Bridge 1:
You have overcome
It is finished, it is done
Now my heart is finally free

Every chain undone
By the power of the Son
Risen Savior, Reigning King
Forevermore, Forevermore
Bridge 2 (outro):
Every chain undone
By the power of the Son
I am not the same anymore

I went to YC this weekend at Church of the Rock. It was truly amazing. There was bands and speakers and lot of fun. The weekend was really powerful and many youth surrendered to God including myself. This was a song that was introduced to me by Unhindered. Unhindered is a band Ive never heard before. By the end of the weekend, I absolutely loved them. They definitely put meaning into all their songs and they connected very well with all of us. This song is one of the songs that really stuck with me. Its been in my head none stop and I just love it so much. So i thought id share  :)

Writing Reflection#7

I think that I should be checking other peoples blogs more often! I never do that but I really should be. Its interesting what people put on here! It cool when someone puts something on that you completely agree with! even when you dont, its fun to see what other people think! I like that this was an assignment because it made me try it out! Im very happy that I did!

Reading Refection # 8

Book: The Help
Author:Kathryn Stockett

Miss Skeeter
Miss Skeeter is still working on her writing project. I love what she's doing but Im scared for her life and the ladies lives that she's using. Eleven more ladies agreed to help her which is really awesome for Miss Skeeter. Her dream is well on the way for sure. I just hope everything runs smoothly. Yule May was going to help but backed out because she stole from Hilly. Who knows what happened to her. As i read Yule May's letter to Miss Skeeter, I felt very nervous for her. Another lady who is helping named Gretchen didnt have a very good attitude. She yelled at Miss Skeeter and made a comment which was " The coloured women coming in here, theyre just playing a big trick on you. Theyll never tell you the truth lady" I felt like this was important. I really dont think that these ladies are playing a trick on her but, could they be? Would make for an interesting twist. There is so much going on in this certain situation and so much that could happen. I honestly have no idea whats going to happen and Im very excited to find out!

Reading Reflection 7

Book: The Help
Author:Kathryn Stockett

So I read a little more about Aibileen. I have so much respect for her. She is helping Mrs. Skeeters so much and is putting her own self in danger while doing it. She is generally very caring towards people. While reading these pages, there was a scare that they could have been caught by Miss Hilly. Personally, I think she took that very well, she was so strong. Yes they were extremely lucky to not get caught this time but, what im wondering is, Are they going to get caught before the end of the book­! I think it could be quite possible. It would make for an intense plot. Then again, I could see them pulling through and getting everything they wanted and it being a happy ending. Although, both could happen! Also Aibileen had a chance to talk to Yule May(Hilly`s help). She might be interested in helping Mrs. Skeeter. So i wonder if she ends up helping and if she does, I wonder if that will be a good thing for Mrs Skeeter to be interviewing the help of her best friend. There are lots of thoughts going in my head towards this whole situation. Im just hoping that everything works out!
In these pages, Minny`s attitude comes in to play. She gets herself kind of fired. It was really intense not going to lie. I really didnt know who i sided with between Minny and Miss Celia. I knew something was going on and, I was right. Miss Celia has miss carriages. A lot of them. She had one in these very pages I read. So far this was probably the most intense part of the book. I felt very sad for Miss Celia. Im really happy that Minny went back and was able to be there during this time. I think Minny cares for Miss Celia a lot more then she leads on to. Im anxious to see what happens with them two and Mr. Johnny.

Writing Reflection #8

Newspaper Black Out Poetry

The first class that newspaper black out poetry was assigned, I had a really hard time with it. I just didnt get it, I didnt know where to start. I tried, I really did. I tried to get ideas in my head and start with that. I tried to read first then get an idea. I began to give up and I just sat there looking at the newspaper for the rest of the class. I was having a bit of a hard time. The next day I came to class really unsure of how it was going to go. I was kind of nervous that I still wasnt going to get it. But I cleared my head and somehow managed to just start. I found words that I liked and tried to work around them. As I worked on this, I realized that it wasnt as hard as I made it out to be the day before. I really just needed to have a free mind. I do admit that once I started to get the hang of things, it was still a little challenging for me. Thats a good thing. Challenge is good. By the end of the week, I decided I really enjoy doing newspaper black out poetry. Its really fun. Its  unique because you choose your words from words from another type of writing. It different and also you get to color which is fun too! As I did this type of poetry, I learned that I`m not very patient and that when i write things, my head isnt clear enough. So those are things I`m glad I learned because now I can work on improving. So all in all, newspaper blackout poetry was extremely helpful and unique. Im happy we did this in class because it was fun to try something new.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Writing Reflection#6

Reading Reflection #6

Book: The Help
Author:Kathyrn Stockett

Alright, I had a little break, I read the book Damaged but now its time to get back to The Help. Its taken me a little too long to get through this book. Its nothing against the book, so far I like the book. I just always get distracted. But Ive decided that I'm going to finish it. So as I read through these last pages, I was proven wrong. I thought Miss Skeeter was going to pursue her writing dream and yes she's been trying to do so but, I thought she was not going to find a man because it seemed like she didn't really want one.Stuart is back. I very really didn't seem this one coming. The question is though, by the end of the book, will she be with or without Stuart? That's what I would like to know. I honestly am not sure. I think it's possible that her and Stuart will work out. They are kind of cute. In regards to pursuing her writing, she has been trying to figure stuff out for that with the help of Aibileen and Minny. Its been taking a lot of effort but she is slowly getting there. Minny is helping yes but, she is not making it easy on her. I would like to know more about Minny. I would really like to know what she did to get herself fired. Im curious to find out. Also, just throwing this out there....I love Aibileen. From what I know of her so far. That's all for now though!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Robb Nash (Personal Addition 2)

         Today, our school was lucky enough to have Robb Nash and his band come to share with us Robb's life changing experience, stories of some other people and we even got to enjoy some of their music. At first when I heard we were going to a concert,I didnt know what to expect. The idea of getting out of class for an hour was nice, but when I got there and as i listened for a bit, I realized that it was so much more than just an hour out of class. Robb Nash was extremely inspiring. By the end of it, I really didnt want to leave. He is the type of person I can look up to. Whether the horrible accident he had with the semi truck had happened or even if it hadn't. Robb most certainly has a purpose. He has helped so many people and it inspires myself and many others to find out what our purpose is and find out WHY its our purpose. This guy is really cool and he has alot of insightful and important information. I hope that everyone listens to what he has to offer.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Writing Reflection #5

Last week in Creative Writing, we learned how to color coat our Moments. I found this very interesting and kind of fun. I've honestly never done it before. It opened my eyes a little bit. It really shows you what could be better or what you should add. It's really helpful and I'm glad we learned how to do so. Blogging has been pretty well the same for me. Something I still really Struggle with is Personal Additions.  I need to catch up on those. I googled Fanfiction, I'm still not really sure what it is. From what it sounds like, it sounds pretty cool though. I'm ok with trying something new!

Reading Reflection #5

Reading Reflection #5
Author:Cathy Glass

I have to say, reading is my favorite thing about this class. Which if you know me is strange because I've never been much of a reader. At first, i was hesitant to the idea of reading every Friday but now I love it. I look forward to Fridays in English class because I know that means we get to read. Since this class started, I have noticed myself reading more at home. Lately, whenever I get the chance, I like to sit down and pick up a book. At the moment I'm in the middle Im still working on The Help. Over spring break, I read The Hunger Games and now I'm reading Catching Fire. The third book I'm reading is Damaged. This is the book I want to talk about today. I forgot my books at home last Thursday, so I picked this one up and started reading it. I ended up taking it home and continued to read there. It's about an 8 year old foster child. Its a true story and I think because of that, it's made the book more intriguing for me. It's heartbreaking to read some of the stuff that goes on in this book and to think about how it actually happens in real life. In my opinion its important for all of us to be aware. One big question i have is, What is going to happen to the little girls biological parents? Are they going to get what they deserve? I hope that the little girl fully places her trust in Cathy and ends up being truly apart of her family. She needs a loving home where she can grow up and learn what the difference is between right and wrong. I predict that this will happen in time but it wont be easy just like it hasn't been easy all along.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Favorite quote (Personal Addition 1)

"Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile." - unknown

       This is my favorite quote. Life is about making mistakes and learning from them, it's about having so much fun with the people you love.If life were the opposite, we'd all be a bunch of robots.  Every time i come across this quote, it reminds me of the good things. It reminds me to never look back and regret past mistakes or experiences, especially the ones that made me smile because in some way or another that mistake has helped form who i am today. It reminds me to have fun, no matter what. Whats the point if were not going to have fun? You could say that this quote is extremely inspiring to me and I'm thankful to whomever came up with it.