Monday, 30 April 2012

Writing Reflection #8

Newspaper Black Out Poetry

The first class that newspaper black out poetry was assigned, I had a really hard time with it. I just didnt get it, I didnt know where to start. I tried, I really did. I tried to get ideas in my head and start with that. I tried to read first then get an idea. I began to give up and I just sat there looking at the newspaper for the rest of the class. I was having a bit of a hard time. The next day I came to class really unsure of how it was going to go. I was kind of nervous that I still wasnt going to get it. But I cleared my head and somehow managed to just start. I found words that I liked and tried to work around them. As I worked on this, I realized that it wasnt as hard as I made it out to be the day before. I really just needed to have a free mind. I do admit that once I started to get the hang of things, it was still a little challenging for me. Thats a good thing. Challenge is good. By the end of the week, I decided I really enjoy doing newspaper black out poetry. Its really fun. Its  unique because you choose your words from words from another type of writing. It different and also you get to color which is fun too! As I did this type of poetry, I learned that I`m not very patient and that when i write things, my head isnt clear enough. So those are things I`m glad I learned because now I can work on improving. So all in all, newspaper blackout poetry was extremely helpful and unique. Im happy we did this in class because it was fun to try something new.

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